Hjortetakly is a small garden lot in the village Viemose in Kalvehave, southern Sealand. It has recently been bought by poet and translator Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg as a gesture to protect the soil and retain space and shelter for all animals who inhabit the place: the insects, the staghorn and sumac trees, the elderflower, birch and pines - or the ones visiting the garden, such as deer, foxes, hedgehog and the birds.

Hosting Lands is a slow-growing, decentral exhibition movement unfolding around land, the relationship between host and guest, and the link between the hyper-local and the global.


Biologist Anja Hørnell and spiritguide Lillebirk work together to understand and honor the world we live in.
Anja knows many things about nature, but sometimes scientific knowledge is not enough and then Lillebirk travels through worlds and the wildernes to bring back answers or wisdom.
Anja is good at asking questions and Lillebirk is good at listening.
Anja is educated biologist from Copenhagen University and Lillebirk is educated by shamans, witches, trolls, fairys, the seas and the forests of the North.